Nothing has changed

 Since that day at Minehead and I took Maureen off the tablets, things have been a lot better, it took a good few days for the drug to leave her system, but I can say without fear that although the dementia is getting worse, Maureen is a lot happier, and gets on with life as best she can.

Since the last write up in April the car has been replaced with a newer Smart car with 25000 miles on the clock, well it now has 27000 miles because we are going all over the South West, plus once a month we go to Mere in Wiltshire where we meet up with Maureen's family, well actually its the daughter, her husband and the grandchildren. They live at Blackwater, and for them to come to our neck of the woods takes a good few hours, so we agreed to meet halfway, I book a table, we have lunch we talk and then head home again, the two boys were told about their mother, but as they have not spoken to her in over 7 years, they have said they don't care and don't want to get involved, which really suits me fine, she is my wife and although I am coming up for 80, I will take care of her, as I have said so many times, I married her because I loved her, so I am in this for the long haul and will see it through.

As I have said before, Maureen is my third wife, my first wife found in bed with two sailors, but because we had a son, I stayed, but she destroyed my naval career, so I gave up the service and set my sights on wife number two, but all she wanted was a meal ticket for her son and herself, and our love life was non existent, she was still devoted to her first husband and wanted him back, so I did the honourable thing,  I walked away.


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