Good morning my friends, once again I am here to give you an inside of what my life has been like, but before we do that, going back to what I was saying yesterday about my religious beliefs, I have a theory, and it goes back to when Jesus was 13, we all know, that there is no mention of Jesus from the age of 13 till he suddenly turned up again in his home village at 30. I believe that Jesus went into Tibet and lived with the monk's there where he learned about healing the sick, the power of prayer and how to combat pain. When he went back to Galilee and started the preaching work gathering his 12, they were all simple people, and when he spoke to them, in most cases they didn't have a clue what he was talking about, so he did it as a story, like a mother telling her son or daughter a bedtime story. 

When Mary joined the group, she did understand, and because of that Jesus took to her, and I believe, and most Roman Catholics will call me a heretic, I believe that Jesus and Mary fell in love, and were married. I don't know about any child they may have had, but I believe that Mary was the woman that Jesus looked to, he knew that if the disciples needed to understand, she was the one who could do it.

When Jesus was pronounced dead on the cross, it was Mary and his mother who helped take Jesus down and placed him in a tomb, however, I also believe that Jesus was not dead, we all know about the spear that was put into Jesus's side, and he was pronounced dead at that time, but we all know, that in this day and age, the heart is the pump that pushes blood through the body, once the heart stops, no blood flow, but when the spear was removed, the bible says blood and water came out, so In my opinion, Jesus was still alive when he was taken down. As I said, I believed that Jesus went to Tibet, and one of the things he was taught was to endure pain. Jesus was beaten almost to death by the Roman soldiers, and then had to carry his own cross, so unless he knew how to combat that sort of pain, that would have been impossible.

So, what bo I believe, I believe that Jesus did not die on the cross, yes his body was removed from the tomb, but it was removed by friends, who helped him heal his wounds, and secretly took him by camel train to India, where he carried on with his healing, and preaching work, Mary did move with her daughter to France, and probably bought the word of Jesus to the people there. As for Jesus, he lived into his 60s, and in India, there is a tomb that has the body of a man, and we are told that there is a plaster cast of his feet, with two small scars that look like nail holes, and when the feet are placed over each other, the holes match up perfectly, so I think that Jesus did not die on the cross as we are lead to believe, but died in India some 30 years later, plus the fact, we all know that the four gospels were written some 100 years after Jesus died, and let us be honest, a small story can end up, if told over and over as a story of massive proportions, and can be elaborated on.

As a young lad we were told the story of the first world war, where a general sent a runner back to the H.Q. with the message, Send reinforcements we are going to advance, and what got back to H.Q. was send three and fourpence we are going to a dance So I feel very strongly, that all the gospels should be taken into consideration when it comes to the story of Jesus, not just four, and why should one church dictate to the rest of us what we must believe in, I think the bible now needs to be rewritten in two volumes, the Old Testament, and the New, New Testament, let the world read it all, and then make there own minds up, this is the 21st century, not the 10th, we all have the right to understand and live according to that understanding. But, I am afraid, the church of Rome, are too scared to permit that to happen, they know that if we had the knowledge that they had, the church of Rome would crumble and the Vatican would be just another city in Rome. I wrote to the Pope about this and was told that I was a heretic and would burn in hell, that was some 10 years ago, and the only hell I have had whiteness too so far, was the bitch who lived next door and her music day and night, but she did get her marching orders in the end, so the wife and I are back to normal.

God we are told, turned his back on this world when he saw what was going on, yes he helped some of his true followers, like Abraham, Noah and Moses, but again, are these just stories to tell us how the Jews became a great nation, all around the world there are stories of the flood, and a family being saved by the gods of that country's beliefs, so what can we believe. Can we believe in Alfred the great, can we believe in Nelson, sorry, but we have to, it is all on paper, so it must be true, to a point, and I look at the bible, in the same way, I believe it up to a point.

As I have probable said, I was made redundant before I was due to retire, and was left up to my eyes in debt, I looked everywhere for help, but apart from having to borrow a lot more, I took on the world and did my best to sort my problems out. Some 30 odd years ago, I went to one of our local markets, and some guy was doing tarot readings, I paid the fiver and he did mine, looking at the cards I had picked myself he said."sorry my friend, but I have to tell you, your life does not look good, you will never be lucky, and your life will be bad from now on". And to be honest, he was right, life went downhill very rapidly and today Life is no better, yes we do have a little in the bank, but that is due to the lockdown, the wife and I have only been outside these four wall four times in the past 12 months. So I tried to find out if I could get rid of this curse, and every time I went through tarot card readings, number readings, it always came out the same, send us $50 and we will sort out your problem. I now it would seem have a guardian angel called William who is willing to help me for a fat fee, now like I have said, I do believe Jesus walked on this earth, I did read in the bible about angels, but never having my own, and anyway, why would an angel want to talk to the likes of me. So I did the only thing I could, I told William that if my so called guardian angel wanted to talk to me, then he could do it in person, I am not the sort of man to be scared to meet up with a stranger, even one in white robes with a set of wings, if he has something to say, then let him say it, I will listen, and as he is an angel of God, if he tells me I have to change the road I now walk along, I will do it. but as William only wants my pension, I have no plans of listening to him.

Well, tomorrow is our big day, we get the jab, and then it will be another three weeks lockdown, I have just worked it out, we have been out of our flat four times, twice into town, and twice to our local M & S, and time wise it works out to about 12 hours, so in the last year, we have been stuck at home for 364 and a half days. Thank God for Iceland, because without them helping us, I don't know what we would have done. but that's a different story.


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