By the time they had gotten home, and had lunch, and changed, it was 14-00, Mum gave them the usual safety spill and they were out the door down the stairs and into the street. Crossing the road to the boathouse there was only one person around, an old fisherman scraping barnacles off his upturned boat, a weird looking monstrosity, more like a coffin, even the bows were flat, so that in the water the bow wave, instead of going either side of the boat to the stern just got pushed forward, and when used, the fisherman stood up facing forwards and rowed with one oar over the back end, very weird, but it worked. Mike and kelvin would often pass him in the middle of Pieta creek with his rod in hand catching fish for his tea. And sometimes he would be out at night with the help of a large primus lamp catching fish.

Mike wished him good afternoon as they walked the canoe down the slipway into the water, Kelvin climbed into the front seat with his paddle, this paddle being half of the double, their dad had realised that the double was too cumbersome for either Mike or Kelvin to handle alone, so he cut it in half. Mike pushed the canoe further into the water leaving just the stern on the end of the slipway, once Mike was seated, he pushed with his paddle and the canoe was clear of the slipway and they were floating on the water. As they turned towards Manoel Island, Mike looked up at the flat's balcony, there he saw mother watching them, Mike gave her a wave and with them both paddling on the left side they turned and headed out of the creek. Getting used to paddling together they began to realise that working as a team they could proceed at quite a fair speed, passing Msida creek with H.M.S. Forth tied up with a couple of subs alongside, they headed out into open channel soon arriving at the Manoel Island swimming area for the lower deck. Officers had their own area covered in sunshades, the rest had to make do. In their area was a cut out in the rocks, just wide enough to bring the canoe into, and deep enough for it not to touch bottom, Mike tied the bowline to a ringbolt and then with the canoe safely secured Mike joined his brother swimming.

There was a good springboard and a high diving board, so for a few hours, Mike and Kelvin had a whale of a time. Then from above, Mike heard eight bells being struck on H.M.S. Phoenicia's ships bell, this bell hung at the bottom end of the parade ground overlooking the swimming area it meant that the time was 16-00 in naval time. "Come on Kelvin," Mike called, "its time to go," Kelvin was on the top board ready to jump, "Ok, " he shouted and launched himself off, he hit the water like a bomb, his body in a tight ball, water rose around him splashing everyone near him, then he swam to the steps and Mike tossed him a towel. Once dry, they both climbed back into the canoe and headed back to Pieta creek, an hour later they were putting the canoe back onto it's resting, having drained any water out.

As they both walked to the flat, they were covered in salt that had dried on them whilst paddling back, and again there mother and father were on the balcony watching every move they made, but they were both happy that there two sons were back, and in the allotted time.

Once indoors, dad said to Mike, "you forgot to take your watch son," Mike looked at his dad and laughed, "It's not waterproof," he said, "oh, then how did you know when to come home? asked his dad. Mike looked at him with a cheeky grin, "eight bells is 16-00 dad, that's when we made our move," " how did you know about eight bells," his mum asked, "at school," Mike said, "at school, can I have a quick shower," Mike asked, "I am covered in salt."

Sunday's were the high spot of the week for families that worked on Manoel Island, it was film night at the Manoel Island club, which was part of the N.A.A.F.I., this was the Navy Army and Airforce Institute,  every base throughout the world had a N.A.A.F.I. club or canteen of some description, and every ship apart from subs and minesweepers had a N.A.A.F.I. shop onboard which sold the goodies that sailors needed. Even in Valletta, the capital of Malta, there was in the 1950s a shop or mini market where all the naval wives use to do there shopping because they were guaranteed that the products sold came from the U.K.

So here the Palmer's  sat, upstairs in the club cinema with the other families waiting for the program to start, it was pretty straight forward really, the first film was the news, this was followed by a Tom and Jerry cartoon, followed by a break to get an ice cream and then the main feature and tonight was no different, as the curtains drew back they were confronted with a large cockerel flapping its wings, Mike watched the news, but most of it was to do with America, and football, there was a small section about a beauty contest, but apart from that, it was only Ken and Dorothy who seemed engrossed in what they saw. Then it was the cartoon, and tonight was no exception, it was everyone's favourite, Tom and Jerry, they all sat watching the screen waiting for the sailors to call out as the director's name appeared on the screen , Fred Quimby, it came, Good old Fred, then F**k Fred, followed by after you with Fred, followed by a loud cheer and then laughter, then the cartoon with more cheers and laughter. At the end the main lights came on and dad asked Mike to get four drinks on sticks and bring them back, he handed Mike some money and Mike scooted away. The drinks on a stick was frozen orange juice with a stick poking through it, but in the heat of the cinema, they helped to cool a person down. By the time Mike got back to his seat, the lights were dimming and the main feature was starting. A cowboy, with John Wayne, loads of shooting and plenty of punch ups. Mike sat back in his seat with the remains of his drink on a stick watching as big John won the day and the hearts of the ladies and Mike's affection.

Mike and Kelvin ran out of the cinema and headed for the car, kelvin was pretending that he had a gun and doing his best to get his older brother to join in, but Mike was in a bit of a daydream over the leading lady on the screen, his wish being to be in big John's place. Kelvin wanted Mike to play the game and by the time mother and father had gotten to the car he was moaning, "Mike won't play dead, ive shot him twice, but he won't play dead," Mother had other ideas. "Stop messing about Kelvin and get into the car," mother said, Kelvin went quietly and climbed into the back seat of the car alongside his brother, and with father driving, the family made their way home. Once indoors, it was a case of come on you two, get to bed, you have school in the morning.

Kelvin and Mike had their own rooms in the flat, Mike's was at the end of long passageway next to the front door, then there was Kelvin's room, the bathroom and kitchen, lounge come dining room, and then at the front of the flat mum and dad's bedroom which also had front and side balconies. The lounge also had a balcony, but as it was in the side street, it was never used. All the beds in the flat had mosquito nets which the family used every night in summer to stop from being bitten. Mike made his way to the bathroom to clean his teeth and wash his hands and face, then went and kissed his mum goodnight, he then made his way to his room. His dad came to check on him after some ten minutes, and while they talked made sure the mosquito net was secured properly, then it was good night son and he went on to check little brother. Outside of Mike's room was a hall light, this was left on all night as security, also if Mike and Kelvin had to get up in the middle of the night, it would light there way to the bathroom. As Mike lay there on his bed with the glow from the hall light bouncing off of the white bedroom walls he found himself reminiscing as to what had gone on over the weekend, but his eyes were very heavy and within a short time, he was sound asleep


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