The run back to the boathouse was done in almost silence, they did chat, but not about what had taken place, only what their plans were for the days ahead. With the canoe safely on its rests and Nann on her way home on the bus, Mike walked back to the boathouse and tried to go through the events of the afternoon. It was very late by now, and as he sat on the boathouse wall he was joined by his father. Sitting by his son, Ken said. "What's the problem, I've been trying to attract your attention for the last ten minutes." Mike looked at his dad. "Dad, can I be open with you?"  Ken looked at his son. "Of course you can son if you have a problem, and want a man to man chat, then let's do it." Mike took a deep breath and told his father what had taken place. Ken said nothing while his son spoke, and when he had finished, he said. "Well it's obvious, that this girl thinks the world of you, most men get a book or a pair of socks for their birthday, and I am talking of the married men, single men may, if they are lucky get a box of hankies. You it would seem have been given what most men on their birthday would die for, I would say, that Maureen Taylor was very much in love with you, and wants to show you, that with love and affection, she is yours." "I know that dad," Mike said. "We have been seeing each other for six months now." "How long." His dad asked. "Six months," Mike said. "Ever since mum asked me to look out for her on the bus, she said that you and Maureen's father were workmates." Ken gave a sigh. "I didn't know that son, I am very sorry." "It's ok dad," Mike said. "We both decided to keep it a secret, it was only at Delimara Point, at Easter, that we both agreed to be more open about it. However, we think Mrs Taylor had some idea of what was going on." Ken looked over at the flat and saw Dorothy waving at them, they stood up."Come on son."Her said. "It's time to eat," then he laughed. "Though I reckon you've already had your main meal of the day." As Mike and his father walked towards the flat, they were laughing and giggling, even as they sat at the table they were still laughing. Dorothy bought in the food, corned beef and butter mash potatoes. Dorothy sat down with her menfolk as she liked to call them and asked what was going on. "Nothing," Ken said. "Just a man to man chat. Michael needed some advice, and I hope I have given him what he needs." Then looking at Mike, he said, "though the way our son's life is panning out, I will soon be coming to him for some tips."Mike and his dad roared with laughter. During the meal, they made small talk, Dorothy did ask Mike about Maureen again, but Mike tried to change the subject almost immediately, and when his mother again broached the subject, Mike's father intervened, saying that that he was thinking of getting rid of the Morris Minor and getting a new VW beetle. Dorothy was totally off the Nann subject and the new car took presidents over the rest of the conversation, Mike's father looked at his son and gave him a friendly wink. Mike was able to breathe a sigh of relief and think about what he could do to make amends for the nipple incident.

On the school bus the following day, Nann was still very quiet, also on the bus home, so it was decided that they would go into Valletta. At home, Mike changed out of his school uniform and into white short sleeved shirt and shorts, picking up the birthday money he headed for the lounge, his mother was doing some sewing, she looked up, "I didn't hear you come in son," she said. "Sorry," Mike said. "I'm meeting Maureen in Valletta. " "Do you want a drink or anything." " No thanks mum," Mike said. "Michael is everything ok with you and Maureen." his mother asked. Mike sat in one of the chairs. "I don't know mum," Mike said, "It started out fantastic, then something I did suddenly put the mockers on the whole day, and even today on the bus she, well I don't know." Mike had his hands on the table and was playing with his fingers. Dorothy put her sewing down and put her hands over his. Michael love has this anything to with what you and your dad were talking about before dinner last night." Mike nodded. "You love this girl, don't you." his mother said, Mike, nodded again. "It's crazy mum, it hurts, I hate it when we are apart, and when we are together, I want to hold her, drink her in, the feel of her, the smell of her, it's a crazy, but a wonderful feeling. Do you know?"  Mike said to his mum. "last night, in bed, I dreamed of the two of us, in a three up two down sat in the garden on a summers day, with the kids playing, and a bloody dog. Is that crazy or what." "No son," said his mum, " that's not crazy, that's the thoughts of a growing man, and a man who's in love. Oh and by the way, if you did what I think you did with Maureen yesterday, at least what your father was trying to tell me in his own ham fisted way in bed last night, don't worry, she's a young woman who is having wonderful feelings, and she like you, are having to deal with them in your own ways. Now go, tell that girl that you love her."

As Mike got on the bus and went to sit down, he heard his name called, looking round he saw Nann in the back seat, going back to her he sat down next to her. She grabbed his arm saying. "Michael, I'm sorry about yesterday, I didn't know what to do." then whispering in his ear. "When you bit my nipple, I found myself on cloud nine, my body turned to jelly when I got home from school just now, I had a talk with mummy, I told her what I did to you, and what you did to me." "Bloody hell." Mike said, "you told your mother." "Hush love, "Nann said, "I tell my mother everything, and she tells me what I need to know. And anyway, she knows how I feel about you, and she is very happy for us." Nann put her hand on Mike's shoulder and pushed him away from her, as he fell onto the bench seat she looked at him with pure love in her face, but also a little anger in her eyes and her voice. "Listen, Michael Palmer." Nann said." My mummy likes you, a lot, in fact, she told me that if she wasn't happily married, a little younger, and didn't have me, she would have gone for you herself, so there." Mike smiled as he sat back next to Nann." I am very flattered," Mike said, "your mother is a beautiful woman, and as my father always says if you need to see the girl, look at the mother." Nann squeezed Mike's arm and pulled him in closer to her"I love you," she whispered, "and what we did yesterday was very very special, it meant a hell of a lot to me, you." she said. "Yesterday pushed all the right buttons, and the more I think about it, the better I feel." Mike looked at Nann, he had that cheeky grin on his face, he quickly looked around the bus to see if he was being watched, they weren't, so Mike pulled Nann in close to him and kissed her mouth, and Nann being Nann held the kiss for some 30 seconds, then looking into his face mouthed the words, I love you. For the remainder of the journey into Valletta, they held hands, Mike playing with Nann's long elegant fingers

In Valletta, they had something to eat, it was hot outside, so they went into the cafe itself, inside the air conditioning was on, so they made their way into the side room, it was cool, they sat by the window enjoying egg and cress sandwiches and iced coffee. Under the table, their knees were touching and Mike felt Nann's fingers on his knee, she gently squeezed, was about to say something when one of the waiters came into the room to clear away some of the other tables, then he left them with a smile on his face. Mike and Nann were now alone so we're able to talk normally.  "Michael." Nann was saying. "It's ok about yesterday when you bit me, " she looked down at herself, "There, I just had, I can't explain it, but I hope you do it again, and soon." Nann touched Mike's hand on the table and smiled at him. " You gave me such a wonderful feeling, a feeling I have never had before, but one, I hope you will give me again.

After paying for the meal they both walked out hand in hand into the midday heat. Walking up a small side street Nann stopped, they were outside a clothing store, Nann walked in with Mike following, Nann asked Mike to sit down whilst she went to the back of the store. As Mike sat alone looking at all the ladies garments on the many rails, he was joined by an older man, sitting next to Mike the man looked at him and said."I hate shopping." Mike looked at him and nodded. "So do I," Mike said, as he made to say something more a shop assistant came over to them and said. "What is sirs favourite colour." The man and Mike looked at each other, the assistant looked at Mike, "you sir, what is your favourite colour." Mike looked at the man, then at the shop assistant. "Well, I suppose I would have to say green." The man looked at Mike and nodded."Good choice," he said, "good choice." The shop assistant walked to the back of the store and was it seemed, lost forever. After a further twenty minutes, Nann appeared with a carrier bag in her hand. Mike stood up and they both walked through the door, as Mike left he turned and said goodbye to the man he had been talking to. "who was that," Nann asked. "I don't know, like me, he was shopping with his wife.

As they made their way to the bus station it was agreed that Mike would get off the bus at Peita and Nann would head on home alone, Mike still was keen to know what Nann had bought, but like she said, "That's for me to know, and you to find out. The bus was full, they had to stand, but with Mike wedged behind the driver's cab he was able to hold onto her and nuzzle her neck. As they got to Mike's stop, Mike kissed Nann's neck told her he loved her and they parted company.


Martin P said…
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