
Showing posts from November, 2020
                                               Chapter 19 Fridays duty was so easy, it sailed by. The afternoon watch was spent bringing stores on board, mainly food for the weekend, fresh bread, salad gear, eggs and meat for Sunday dinner, then at around 3, it was fresh veg, potatoes, carrots, cabbage and swedes, So by the time it was time to be relieved, Mike was ready for a shower. In the mess, there was only Shinner sat at the table, the rest of the lads were ashore. Mike went to the bathroom and had a shower, and as he was leaving Shinner was just walking in. Changing into blue shorts and shirt, Mike made his way to the galley to see what was on the menu for evening meal. "What do you fancy peddler." the chef asks him, Mike looked at the chips and beans on the counter. "Any chance of a cheese omelette chef," Mike asked. "Of coarse mate." the chef said. Give me fiv...
 Mike sat at the table with the rest of them, he looked at the macaroni cheese, then smelt it. "Well, it looked and smells ok," Mike said, Grace shared it out on to the plates, and Mike tried it. "Mmm not too bad, maybe a little more salt and pepper, mother use to salt and pepper every lair." Grace went to the kitchen and came back with her notebook and the pepper and salt, she wrote in her notebook under macaroni cheese, salt and pepper every lair. Mike added the extra pepper and salt, then did the taste test again, looking at Grace he said: "Perfect, just as good as mother used to make, you have got it bang on." Everyone added the extra salt and pepper and when each plate was empty they sat back in total contentment. As Grace went to get up from the table and take the empty plates to the kitchen, Roger grabbed her around the waist and pulled her towards him, looking up at her she said. "Sweetheart you are a natural." The second coarse was the h...
 Mike was back on board Bossington at just before 5, he went straight to the mess to change into his whites. The evening meal, was corned beef, buttered potatoes and salad, as Mike was sat in the mess eating, Shinner asked him how his first twenty four hour leave had gone. "Great." Mike said. "really good, I have noted, that on Saturday, that we are off at six in the morning." "That's right," Shinner said. "And if I were you, I would get ashore as soon as you can." "Yes." Mike said."I think I will." The watch went well, Mike and Shinner were relieved at 23-45 and Mike slept in his bunk properly for the very first time, it took him a little while to get himself comfortable, but once he was, sleep soon came. At five he was being shaken. "Come on peddler, time to get up, there's a mug of tea on the table, and the chef has a fry up waiting for you in the galley, so fill your boots." Mike got up, had a quick showe...
                                              Chapter 18 When Mike woke up, Nann was already dressed and ready for work. "Hello sleepyhead," she said. "Cup of tea for you," Mike asked her the time and was told it was just after six. "Don't hurry love," Nann said. "Mummy will fix you some breakfast after you have had a shower." she leaned over the bed and kissed him. Leaving the bedroom, she said at the door. "See you at one, in the usual place." Mike went into the bathroom had a shower and a shave, then after getting dressed went into the lounge. Grace was in the kitchen, and when she saw Mike, she asked him if he would like eggs and bacon. Mike said."Only if I am not causing you any trouble." "Sit down," Grace said. "It will be ready in a jiffy." Mike was a little worried being in the flat with just Grace, he was thinking what she had said, the night before, and to be hone...
 Mike and Nann had the flat to themselves for an hour, but Nann still made a cup of tea. "Well." She said. "What do you want to do, they won't be back for at least an hour." Mike thought, "Well we could just lay on the bed for an hour, and see what develops." Picking up there tea and Nann taking Mike by the hand she pulled him willingly into the bedroom. It was the middle of the afternoon, but Nann's bedroom was cooler than the lounge. Together on the bed fully clothed they lay alongside each other holding hands, as Nann closed her eyes, Mike turned onto his side and looked at this girl he loved so much. She was so beautiful Mike thought to himself, her bust, her hips and those long shapely legs. Mike was looking at Nann in great detail, something he had never really done before, her toes, her feet, her ankles, then her legs, as he got to her knees, his vision was blocked by the hem of her skirt. Very gently Mike raised the hem, she didn't move...
 Mike was shaken at 23-45, at first, he was startled, he wondered where he was, then he remembered and got out of his bunk. Shinner told Mike to wear his number 8 shirt and blue shorts with sandals. On the upper deck, it was warm and Irish and Marty their opposite numbers were waiting to be relieved. On the Q/Ms desk were two mugs of coffee, and as Mike and Shinner walked onto the gangway Irish said to Mike, "peddler, how do you like your coffee." Mike was rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he said. "White, two sugars." " Like me then, think I can remember that." Irish handed over the watch to Mike and Shinner and headed to the mess for some well earned sleep. "Right," Shinner said. "Hears the routine peddler, one we have to keep an eye out for the guard officer, he may come by boat, or he may come by land rover. Then at 4, you have to shake the chef, then at 5 you go and wake up Irish and Marty so that they can have breakfast. When you get ba...
                                                Chapter Seventeen Mike and Nann woke up at the same time, Mike got out of bed and put on his newly clean and pressed white shorts, his blue knee length socks and black shoes. Nann was looking at him and feeling very proud. She got out of bed and walked into his arms and kissed him. "Love you," she said, "Love you too," he said then walked out of the bedroom. Mike was stood at the sink, he had shaving soap on his face ready to use his razer, all you could see of Mike's face was his eyes and nose, There was a knock at the door, it was Nann, she needed to use the shower, as she passed him, she dropped her dressing gown and made to walk behind Mike. As she did so, Mike turned round saying give us a kiss, then he kissed Nann, she pulled away from him saying. "Yuk. you rotter, look at me." "I am," Mike said. "You look beautiful...
 After breakfast, they Mike and Nann changed into there costumes and went down to the canoe, taking the cover off, Mike gave her a good look over. She didn't look into bad a condition, considering she had not been in the water for so long, the mast and sail were still ok, as was the tiller. "Well old girl," Mike said. "Will you still float, or are you going to sink to the bottom as soon as we get into the creek." Mike and Nann slid the canoe down the slipway and into the water, he let her bob about for a while, then pushing the bows under, then the stern he looked for any water. Nothing, the hull inside was as dry as a bone. "Well." Mike said, "shall we try her out." With everything in place, Nann climbed into the canoe, then Mike, as he sat in his usual place, Nann moved back into him, pulling on the sail line, the breeze filled the sail and with Mike as always on the tiller they moved away from the slipway. As they made there way up the cre...
Saturday was again a beautiful day, Nann realised that Mike was still sound asleep, so gently removing his hand from her waist she climbed out of bed, put on her dressing gown and headed for the kitchen to make two cups of tea. In the lounge Grace was sat at the table eating a slice of toast. "Hello darling, how's it going." Nann gave her mother a sort of smile. "It's ok, I think," she said. Grace patted the table. "Come here my darling, let's have a motherly chat." Nann sat next to her mother and told her what the two of them had talked about the night before. She also told her mother that Mike was too tired to make love to her, even though they had been apart for such a long time. Grace didn't interrupt her daughter, just let her say her piece. Once Nann had finished her mother spoke. "Maureen darling I think you are being a little selfish over this, this man who loves you so very much, spends two days in the same sweaty clothes, fly...