
Nothing has changed

 Since that day at Minehead and I took Maureen off the tablets, things have been a lot better, it took a good few days for the drug to leave her system, but I can say without fear that although the dementia is getting worse, Maureen is a lot happier, and gets on with life as best she can. Since the last write up in April the car has been replaced with a newer Smart car with 25000 miles on the clock, well it now has 27000 miles because we are going all over the South West, plus once a month we go to Mere in Wiltshire where we meet up with Maureen's family, well actually its the daughter, her husband and the grandchildren. They live at Blackwater, and for them to come to our neck of the woods takes a good few hours, so we agreed to meet halfway, I book a table, we have lunch we talk and then head home again, the two boys were told about their mother, but as they have not spoken to her in over 7 years, they have said they don't care and don't want to get involved, which really...

Dementia and what it means to me the carer

It has been a couple of years since I wrote on this blog, and a lot has happened, but mainly it revolves around the wife, I have over the years written two books, one about my life in Malta, and one about a holiday in Malta, both books told the story of love and romance about Mike and Nann, and one about Mike and Anna, and to be honest the people involved are myself and my wife Maureen who I have been married to for over 30 years, but I wanted to tell two very difference stories about my life in Malta, and my holidays in Malta after leaving the Royal Navy. Both books were hand written then after some encouragement I was asked to start a blog and write both books, which I did, but to be honest nobody read the books or even looked at my blog, so I sort of gave up on this and worked on other things. Last year, I noticed a big change in Maureen's attitude towards the things we were doing, she was forgetting things, she was trying to talk to me and could not find the words needed, so I ...
 Chapter 4 As Ling turned Jonny around under the water, she realised that Jonny was in a full state of arousal, as she placed her arms around his waist, Jonny picked Ling up, but they were both soaking wet and even though Ling wrapped her arms around Jonny's neck and her legs around his waist, she still found herself sliding down his body, it was then, that she felt Jonny enter her body, she gave out a little cry, but then accepted him inside of her, Jonny did try and lift her up again, but the wetness of there bodies seemed to make it almost impossible, so Jonny held her in place and allowed nature to take its course, as he moved with her to the side of the shower, he saw the slight trickle of blood mixed with water going down the drain. "Ling my love, are you alright, have I hurt you in some way if I have, I am sorry, I didn't mean too". "No my Jonny, everything ok, this my first time with man, you make me woman, I was girl, now woman. I your first also". ...
Chapter 3 Ling arranged to meet Jonny at the main gate of Tamar, she wanted to take him up to the peak on the tram, whilst up there they had a snack and a cup of coffee, they were sat on a bench seat enjoying the view when they again met up with the American sailor who Ling had had trouble with a few days earlier, he was still demanding she gave him back the money she was supposed to have stolen from him. "Excuse me, my friend". Jonny said in his normal quiet voice. "Why are you accusing my girl of stealing your money, and why are you being abusive to her, she has done nothing wrong, calling her a slant eyed bitch is not the way to get what you want, is it". The American stepped back and apologised. "Sorry mate, they all look the same to me, be glad to get away from this stinking hole". "It's only a stinking hole because you make it so, you're a typical Yank, full of your own, we are the best in the world ideas, the trouble is, you are no bett...
Chapter 2. The run from Malta to Aden was, apart from the sand storm in the Sues Canal was uneventful, the sand storm did cause some problems, Jonny was on duty as port side bridge lookout, he saw what he thought was a huge cloud bearing down on them, he reported it to the officer of the watch, who realised what it was, within minutes the whole of the port side of the ship was being bombarded by sand, at very high speed, by the time the ship had gotten to the bitter lakes, the whole of the port side of the ship was down to bare metal and looked very shiny, but once in Aden, where the ship stayed for a week, the port side of the ship was repainted and looked very smart. On the run to Singapore, they joined up with other ships including an aircraft carrier, so it was a case of exercising all the way, with gunnery being the main thing on the agenda, with the carrier having aircraft, the four frigates and two destroyers were given gunnery practise almost daily, and by the time the squadron...
Life in a Blue Suit. Chapter 1 Jonny Jolliffe stood looking at his new ship, he had now been in the Royal Navy for 18 months, joining as a boy sailor at 15, then six months at gunnery school, now at 17 he was ready to go to sea. this ship was a Battle Class Destroyer which had been modified for the modern navy of the 1960s, she had two 4.5 inch gun turrets on the bows, and a missile launcher on a deckhouse aft. On the top of her new very large mast was something that looked like a large key, Jonny later found out that this was a radar aerial for long range aircraft, but as he was a gunnery rate he did not need to worry about that side of the ship. His mess was way up in the bows of the ship where with 29 others he would live, sleep and eat, 15 one side and 15 on the other side, port and starboard, red and green, and with one ladder to get in and out of the mess, it seemed very over crowed. With his kit stowed in his personal locker and his new hammock stowed in the hammock netting, Jon...
 Well my friends, not much to tell you today, as I said, the wife and I had our jabs on Thursday, a little bit of discomfort yesterday and today, and I did wake up with a headache, but as I told my brother in law, after a morning cup of tea, I was perfectly ok. They do say that you can feel tired after the jab, the wife did go to bed last night at 9 pm, but I was still awake at midnight plus 9 and when I did fall asleep, It was the sleep of the gods as they say. The next story will start tomorrow, and I think you will like it, it is to do with the Royal Navy, but in all respects is a love story, well let's be honest, all my stories are love stories, in some form or other and I promise this will be the same, a little bit of hanky panky except it will not be too raunchy, as the wife says, Mills and Boon are as good as it gets, but even some of those books can be a little over the top, but I will try and keep mine to the same level as the last three. In the 50, and 60s in films, the l...